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اضف الى مكتبك The Risk of Trading

اضف الى مكتبك The Risk of Trading 

من الكتب المميزة التي تناقش احد اهم دعائم المتاجرة الاحترافية

The Risk of Trading is a practical resource that takes an in-depth look at one of the most challenging factors of trading–risk management. The book puts a magnifying glass on the issue of risk, something that every trader needs to understand in order to be successful. Most traders look at risk in terms of a “stop-loss” that enables them to exit a losing trade quickly. In The Risk of Trading, Michael Toma explains that risk is ever-present in every aspect of trading and advocates that traders adopt a more comprehensive view of risk that encompasses the strategic trading plan, account size, drawdowns, maximum possible losses, psychological capital, and crisis management

الكتاب مرفق نسخة مسموعة 

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اضف الى مكتبك The Risk of Trading اضف الى مكتبك The Risk of Trading بواسطة ايمن المقطري في مارس 30, 2015 تقييم: 5

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